Do you need to change your life?

Do you need to change your life?

Find out about our science-backed personal change course...

Are you tired of waiting and hoping for things to improve?

Enter your email to find out about a blueprint to change your life, and complete a free exercise to focus on YOU!

Find out more about a six-week course providing a blueprint for your personal change

Text and video

A mixture of video and text modules to help you create your blueprint for change

Full workbook

A full digital workbook for you to save and complete in your own time

Thought experiment

Thought experiments help you dig deep into your own story and get to know yourself better

Week 1

Introducing your course: Showcasing YOU-Identity and beginning your change story

Week 3

Understand change: identity construction

unpacked - learn about the YOU-Identity mode

Week 5

Be your change: Live Your Best Life - don't just do

the change, be the change - and keep going

Week 2

Prepare for change: understand your identity and who you really are

Week 4

Plan your change: Design your own Blueprint for Change towards success and put it into action

Week 6

Review and focus your change: Know When You

Get There - permanent change

Dr Jacqueline Ward MBE researched and introduced a new model of identity construction.

This course is developed from her extensive work in the field.

She is a Chartered Psychologist and Scientist, and an expert in narrative and storytelling:

Do you want to get in touch with us for more about focused one to one sessions or corporate change management?

We can't wait to hear from you!

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